Casting Impregnation Plant

Casting Impregnation Plant

Porosity is a phenomenon that is caused by solidification, shrinkage or gas formation when castings go from a liquid to a solid state during the manufacturing process. As a result, small imperfections and leak paths are formed which can make pressure or fluid-tight parts unusable.

Casting impregnationis a porosity sealing solution that removes air from the voids then fills them with a chemically and thermally resistant polymer. For the most effective quality enhancement results, the impregnation process can be integrated within the production facility or even in-line with the manufacturing process.


The process includes 4 Major cycle :

  • Impregnation: Vacuum is created which sucks the air from the porosity and the sealant is introduced into the porosity.
  • Draining : Drain the Extra Sealant from the components, which goes back to the storage tank.
  • Cold Wash: Wash the components from the extra sealant on the surface.
  • Hot Wash: Heats the sealant which Polymerise the sealant and solidifies within the porosity to prevent the leakage.
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